Table 7-2. Communication parameter code
SN | Parameter Mnemonic | ASCII/HEX | Parameter Name | Adjustable Range |
1 | PV | 50 56 | Process Value(read only) | |
2 | OP | 4F 50 | Output(read only in automatic mode)[a] | 0~100.0% |
3 | SP | 53 50 | Current target tension(read only) | |
4 | SL | 53 4C | Setting value | SPL-SPH |
5 | RX | 52 58 | Tube Radius | |
6 | R0 | 52 30 | Initial radius | |
7 | T0 | 54 30 | Thickness | 0.001~1.000mm |
8 | F0 | 46 30 | Start Frequency | 1~100Hz |
9 | A0 | 41 30 | Alarm Value | 0.0-999.9kg |
10 | XP | 58 50 | Prop. Band | 0.1-999.9kg |
11 | TI | 54 49 | Inte. Time | 1-10.0S |
12 | DB | 44 42 | Dead Band | 0.1-999.9kg |
13 | PN | 50 4E | Start Output | 0.0-100.0% |
14 | TN | 54 4E | Start Time | 0.1-25.0S |
15 | PF | 50 46 | Stop Gain | 01-400% |
16 | TF | 54 46 | Stop Time | 0.1-25.0S |
17 | PC | 50 43 | Exch. Output | 0.0-100% |
18 | TC | 54 43 | Exch. Time | 0.1-25.0S |
19 | PS | 50 53 | Aux Output | 0.0-100% |
20 | TS | 54 53 | Aux Time | 0.1-25.0S |
21 | CI | 43 49 | Inc Coeff. | 0.01-2.00 |
22 | CD | 43 44 | Dec Coeff. | 0.01-2.00 |
23 | NO | 4E 4F | Prog-NO. | 00~09 |
24 | th | 74 68 | Thickness | 0.001-1.000mm |
25 | r1 | 72 31 | Radius r1 | |
26 | o1 | 6F 31 | Output1 | 0.0-100.0% |
27 | r2 | 72 32 | Radius r2 | |
28 | o2 | 6F 32 | Output2 | 0.0-100.0% |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
29 | r6 | 72 36 | Radius r6 | |
30 | o6 | 6F 36 | Output6 | 0.0-100.0% |
31 | #1 | 23 31 | Output ON/OFF[b] | |
32 | #2 | 23 32 | Automatic/Manual swtich[c] | |
33 | #3 | 23 33 | Switch status | Read only |
Notes: a. The output can be altered in manual mode. b. Output ON/OFF #1=0000: Output ON #1=0001: Output OFF c. Automatic/Manual switch #2=0000: Automatic control #2=0001: Manual control |
#3: Switch status
This parameter is read only, the return value(<256) will be converted to an 8-bits binary number, the status of each switch is corresponding to each bit in the binary number. i.e. when a bit is 1, the corresponding switch is ON; when a bit is 0, the corresponding switch is OFF. As the following table illustrated.